E41 Marketplace Ministries Exhibit Hours – Tuesday July 1st – 1pm-5pm
We look forward to meeting you at the E41 Marketplace Ministries Exhibit located at The Fellowship’s ONE Conference 2014 – July 1-4 – in Reston VA.
It’ll be a great 4th of July Celebration in the Nation’s Capital area and Dave Robinson and Kerry Fink, of E41 Marketplace Ministries, will be on hand to meet and talk further with you about the Ephesians 4:1 vision for the Ministry and its role in “The Fellowship.” Please drop by the E41 Marketplace Ministries exhibit area – we’d love to meet you, trade contact information and invite you to the special session, scheduled for Wednesday, July 2nd, 1pm-3pm specifically focused on Marketplace Ministry. In addition, we’ll be taping for the E41 TV program, that focuses on efforts, of those of us in the marketplace, as we work to get the Good News of Jesus into a secular work environment.