

Jesus gave the Ephesians 4:11 gifts when ascending back to his Father. Purpose of the gifts was “equipping the saints (Ephesians 4:1 ministers) for the work of the Church, not just Church work.”


“Build a network of Ephesians 4:11 and 4:1 ministers to reap a global harvest in the Marketplace”

“Bringing God’s people to their highest potential as Commissioned Marketplace Ministers”


I. What is Marketplace Missions?

A. The Marketplace is a blend of business, government and education – three entities controlling every nation and soon the entire world.   (Luke 2:52)
B. Marketplace Mission  is not a secondary mission or calling.   Ninety percent or more of the Church has this calling.   (Matthew 28.)
C. The Church’s Mission is more than making better church members; it is producing more effective marketplace ministers, who can bring revival to the marketplace – not just to the church house. (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17-21.)

II. Marketplace Ministers and Missionaries.

A. Ministers – called to the marketplace. Missionaries – sent to the marketplace on a specific mission.
B. Full-time ministers of the Gospel are never part-time or bi-vocational. Pulpit or marketplace – the anointing is the same.   (Acts 2:4.)
C. They have a call not a job. They need to be taught, trained, empowered, commissioned and affirmed.


Markpetplace Ministries

1. The secular-sacred divide is a major obstacle to the mobilization of all God’s people in the mission of God. Christians worldwide must reject the unbiblical assumptions that separate clergy from laity and resist the widespread damaging effects of this separation.  There is a great need to challenge the resulting tendency to see ministry and mission (local and cross-cultural) as being mainly the work of church-paid ministers and missionaries, who are a tiny percentage of the whole body of Christ.

2. All believers must accept and affirm their own daily ministry and mission as functioning wherever God has called them to work. Pastors and church leaders must support their marketplace ministers in the community and in the workplace.

3. The Church needs effective systems that will train all God’s people in whole-life discipleship, which means to live, think, work, and speak from a biblical worldview and with missional effectiveness in every place or circumstance of daily life and work. Christians in many skills, trades, businesses and professions go to places where traditional church leaders usually have no presence or influencet. What these marketplace ministers do in the workplace must be valued as an aspect of the ministry of local churches.  Church work is done mostly in the building – the work of the Church is done in the marketplace. Thirty-eight of the ‘power miracles’ done in the book of Acts took place in the marketplace, not the church house.


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